Getting started

This page presents the portal's main features.

💡 If you encounter any issue, please read this page.

Table of content


💡 If it is not the case, connect to the device and run in the terminal:

$ hostname -I

You should get at least one IP address.


1. Open up http://<RASPBERRY_IP_ADDRESS>:8000/ in your web browser.

2. You should see this login page:

Login page

3. Provide the username and password given to you by Nothing2Hide, hit the Sign in button, and you're in!

Network settings

Once connected, you access the home page. If everything works fine, you should see a Connected green button. If you don't, please read this page.

Home page and network settings

A form allows you to:

  • Check your connection status ;
  • Change the WiFi network name and password.

⚠️ It will take a few seconds for changes to be effective.

Page showing network settings updated successfully

VPN key

The second page shows your VPN public key. If not done yet, send it by email to Nothing2Hide.

⚠️ Your private key musn't be shared with anyone and is not displayed in the interface.

VPN keys page